Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dave's charity bike ride for AIDS orphans

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Ceboride 2016 – It's time for a fresh start!


Hi, Friends and Family, Colleagues, and Friends of Harvard Tennis:


For new HMT (Harvard Men's Tennis) subscribers, Ceboride is a small charity bike ride undertaken to benefit the children of Sarnelli House, an orphanage in Thailand for orphaned and/or abandoned AIDS children, run by Father Mike Shea.  This will be our (my wife, Bonnie, and I) 9th time making the trek, either on the East Coast or in person with the other Cebo-riders in Wisconsin.  Since its inception in 2002, it has raised more than $800,000.  Due to this success - really due to your generosity - Father Mike has been able to continue buying the AIDS medication, and to cover the cost of food, daily living supplies, and expensive hospital trips.


Past donors to Ceboride have already heard from Sarnelli House or Ceboride organizations (you can now contribute online at!)  The actual ride in Wisconsin occurred in July, but since Bonnie had her hip replaced on February 15, we've delayed "Ceboride East" a few more weeks! She's back to full speed now, so we're itching to hit the road.


So many of you have kindly responded to this appeal in previous years.  We would be grateful for your support again.  


As the reality of not having trained enough this summer sets in, Bonnie and I are looking for anything we can find to get us through this ride!  What will again most sustain us is the hope that we, in a modest way (and with your help if you are so inclined), might lessen the suffering of kids incomparably less fortunate than us.


Contributions now (hallelujah!) can now be made easily online! Please don't wait for a better world or a better day.


God bless.


Bonnie & Dave


P.S. A little recap for those who are new and for our veteran "donors" who might like a refresher.


Each year since the CeboRide was started in 2002, the treatment for AIDS infected kids has gotten better, but also has become more expensive.  The ride is named after Cebo, a little girl who stole the hearts of Molly, who with her husband had volunteered to help their Uncle Mike (Father Mike) at Sarnelli House in Thailand, which he has run for 30+ years.   Molly is our daughter-in-law Katie's sister, who sadly lost her husband Mike  (Bonnie's youngest son) at 43 to cancer last summer.  


The first bike ride raised over $17,000 and gave Father Mike the ability to buy antiretroviral AIDS drugs.  Before the ride, children were dying of TB and AIDS.  Since that date, Sarnelli House has enabled hundreds of kids to make it.  The strength Cebo demonstrates as she battles the complications from living with AIDS continues to be the inspiration of the ride.


There are currently 165 children who live in five different homes at Sarnelli house and another 57 kids in their Outreach Program.  Times are very rough and the need has never been greater.  Sarnelli House receives no help from the Thai government and relies on the CeboRide and its faithful coterie of riders and sponsors (YOU!).  The kids and Father Mike can only repay you with their prayers, gratitude and love.


Riders in Wisconsin will bike from dawn to dusk, riding for Cebo and all of the other children who can't bike the distance.  It is a wonderful experience for all the riders, who treat one another as Cebo would… and laugh a lot as Cebo does (I do give Bonnie some good laughs…).  We all bike for a better life for the children at Sarnelli House and a few more birthday parties in their lives.   We already know that all of us together have literally made a difference in their lives.  



To any potential Harvard recruits: do not respond to this appeal, no matter how much you would like to help!  It would be a no-no from an NCAA perspective.

Please don't include me in future emails.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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angels guide you. All inquiries should be
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